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Traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture old book

Acupuncture is one of the world's oldest known methods of medicine, evolving from its ancient roots as part of shamanic healing to the present day where it is highly effective in a modern setting and even integrated well with western medicine.


People often ask, "What can Acupuncture treat?" The answer is any condition not requiring surgery or emergency care. "How does it work?"  Points of needle insertion are chosen based on locations affecting the electrical conductivity along the fascia, which is the connective tissue surrounding the muscles and networking to all parts of the internal body.


Some points are very relaxing and increase the feeling of comfort, easing stress and anxiety, while others may stimulate a strong response, such as when triggering a spasmed muscle to release and reset.


Acupuncture can quickly affect the musculoskeletal system, and is a winning choice for sports medicine and orthopedic issues.


It can affect the internal organs, helping to resolve digestive issues, breathing issues, cardiovascular issues, problems with the immune system, hormonal imbalances, and the list goes on.


Acupuncture can affect the mind and emotions. While some mental or emotional conditions may require a licensed therapist or prescription medications, in a great number of cases which are milder in nature, Acupuncture can have a profound effect in finding balance and relief. 


Pain relief is a big reason that many try Acupuncture. Whether hoping to avoid surgery, or looking for a non-pharmaceutical remedy for chronic pain which actually aims to repair the cause of pain, many first time patients are amazed when they experience first hand how effective Acupuncture can be.


Another great bonus is the lack of side effects, because Acupuncture doesn't mask the pain, or chase endlessly after symptoms. Rather, it is a method of assisting your body to rebalance and repair whatever is wrong, including the root of the problem.

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